
Room integrity testing is required before the installation of any gas suppression system. The test ensures that the fire suppression system will work by checking enough gas is contained within the designated space for a set period.

What is a Room Integrity Test?

A room integrity test creates pressure within a room with a door fan test, which is fixed to the main entrance door to the room.

The protected area is then pressurised and the fan flow readings are taken, then to check those measurements the room is depressurised to take measurements to compare. The predicted retention time is calculated from the leakage characteristics and the enclosure and extinguishing system data. The pressure release period within the room is then measured to determine if the room has enough integrity to hold the gas agent for long enough.

How Often Should a Room be Tested?

British standards recommend that where any suppression system is installed, the room should be tested at least once a year to comply with BS EN 15004-1:2019. It should also be tested following any building works, room extensions or general maintenance works. Any drill holes or similar created by works on the room can be the difference between a fire suppression system working or not.

Is There Any Disruption
When the Test is Done?

Our fire suppression engineers aim to cause minimal disruption during the test, and in most cases, there is no need to shut down computers or other electrical equipment whilst the test is being conducted. We may also be able to carry out the test outside of occupied hours.

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What Happens Next?

If you’re looking for a room integrity test for an existing system, then get in touch. Additionally, if you’re looking at installing a new fire suppression system, then the first step is to arrange a room integrity test and a free onsite survey by one of our fire suppression consultants. Call us on 0330 094 7404 for more information or to speak with one of our suppression specialists.

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