• July 19, 2017

    Omega Foundry MachineryBusinessWatch Group are pleased to sponsor the Best Omega Player award at Omega Foundry Machinery Ltd’s forthcoming Omega Golf Day.

    The event, held on 18th August at Thorpe Wood Golf Course, is aimed at fostering engagement between Omega’s suppliers to facilitate business development within the local area.

    BusinessWatch are proud to provide and support Omega with their security systems, alongside their fire alarm system, fire extinguishers and fire safety training.

    Jonathan Wakerley, MD of BusinessWatch Group says: “We are honoured to have been chosen to supply Omega Foundry Machinery’s fire and security systems over the last few years. The golf day is a fantastic event organised by Omega, and we’re proud to be able to sponsor the Best Omega Player award at the event.”

    Good luck to all those attending!